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Thursday, October 17, 2023

Jesus said - "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.  And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved."  Matthew 24:21-22

The book of Revelation describes the first 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation as days of MAN'S WRATH. You can read about those terrible events in Revelation chapter 6 or you can see our video by clicking on the subject links for Bible Prophecy (above).

The second half of the Tribulation are described as days of GOD'S WRATH.  During those seven years HALF THE POPULATION OF THE WORLD WILL BE SLAIN!  Wow! 

Does God have anything good in mind for those horrific days?

#1  The RAPTURE of the church will occur before the days of wrath. The Tribulation is called the "days of Jacob's trouble" and God's purpose during those terrible days is to bring unbelieving Israel to a point of repentance and belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

#2  SATAN will be EJECTED from heaven!  Revelation chapter 12 describes a WAR IN HEAVEN in which Satan and his evil "angels" will be cast out of Heaven.  He is now the "accuser of the brethren" but his evil mockery of Christ will come to a dramatic end.  PROBLEM:  The CLEANSING of heaven will become the CORRUPTION of planet earth . . . Satan will be here in all of his evil and hateful darkness.

#3  POLITICS will come to an end!  Daniel the prophet foresaw a time when the kingdoms of this world will be crushed by a huge rock made without hands (Daniel chapter 2).  Jesus will come in power and great glory and He will bring an end to the evil politics and governments of the world. Amen! NO MORE POLITICIANS or PUBLIC OPINION POLLS!  Amen!

#4  ISRAEL will come to NATIONAL REPENTANCE!  It will take the horrible days of the Tribulation for this stiff-necked people to finally repent and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord . . . but they WILL repent!  One of the most amazing passages in the entire Bible is found in Romans chapter 11 - "And so, ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED; as it is written, There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob."  Romans 11:26   What does "all Israel" mean? I will leave that to the theologians to argue over . . . but if you believe that every word in the Bible is accurate and true . . . you can come to your own conclusion!  Meanwhile, the Bible says that the Sovereign Lord has elected a remnant of Jewish people to be His witnesses during this time of national unbelief when God has sent the curse of spiritual blindness upon the nation - "Even so, then, at this present time also there is a REMNANT according to the election of grace."  Romans 11:5  There is great confusion today about this term "election" but no one can deny what God says in His Word - "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness, but is LONGSUFFERING toward us, NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH, BUT THAT ALL SHOULD COME TO REPENTANCE." 2 Peter 3:9 

#5  The Lord Jesus Christ will RETURN IN VICTORY AND GLORY at the end of the Tribulation! 

#6  There will be a WORLD-WIDE REVIVAL during the Tribulation!  During the seven years of terrible Tribulation God is going to make sure that every person hears the gospel . . . something the church has failed to accomplish.  How will He do that?  144,000 Jewish evangelists . . . the two witnesses (Moses and Elijah) . . . and an ANGEL proclaiming the everlasting gospel to all the world!  Jesus declared that - "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in ALL THE WORLD for a witness unto ALL NATIONS; and then the end shall come."  Matthew 24:14  What we have not accomplished do today in reaching all the people of the world, God Himself will make that a reality during the days of the Tribulation!

The good things that God will bring about during the Tribulation illustrates Romans 5:20 - "Where sin abounds, GRACE DOES MUCH MORE ABOUND."   Amen and Hallelujah!

Related VIDEOS on YouTube:


What Does The Bible Say About Russia and Nuclear War?

Why Does God Seem So Far Away?


The Sequence of the Book of Revelation

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