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Every year car manufacturers are excited to present their “newest and best model!” The competition is fierce with new gizmos and gadgets to attract new buyers.

Actually, there are only three basic but vital systems to every car . . . fuel . . . cooling . . . and exhaust . . . maybe we should add the steering system to that! The rest like radio and air conditioning are just extras but the car can’t run without the basic systems.

Basic systems . . . the fuel system requires a lot of different parts . . . gas tank . . . fuel pump . . . fuel lines, carburetor or fuel injector . . . intake manifold. Its a pretty complex system and that is just one of the three vital systems!


Did you know that our bodies require the same basic “systems” . . . fuel . . . cooling . . . and exhaust?

But the remarkable thing is that all these functions are combined into ONE SYSTEM . . . the blood in our bodies provides fuel, cooling, and exhaust for the 75 trillion cells in our bodies! It also provides other systems we all wish our cars provided . . . SELF MAINTENANCE and even SELF HEALING!

The body is definitely a better, more efficient system than anything assembled by man!

Blood is the most amazing fluid ever designed.

Arteries and veins are the flexible tubes that carry blood to and from our cells, delivering oxygen, removing waste, and even cooing each of the cells. Our blood is mostly made up of plasma that carries the other solid materials needed for life: red and white blood cells and platelets. Red blood cells carry oxygen, white blood cells fight infections (bad bugs), and platelets plug up any leads in the tiny veins and larger arteries. Wow . . . what an incredible system!

Most people know very little about how their bodies work. In fact, most people know more about the fluids they put into their cars than the fluids of their own bodies.

Those 75 trillion cells in our bodies all require oxygen to breathe, and food for energy. Each cell needs cooling as it works . . . and gives off waste products that have to be taken out of the body. Pretty amazing, these bodies of ours! Our bodies and even the bodies of animals big and small are much more complex and wonderful than any car.


That’s a pretty dumb question and the answer is pretty obvious!


The concept that living bodies evolved without a Master Designer is ignorant and extremely absurd! Even a pencil has a designer . . . and an eraser . . . and the cup you drink coffee from! The Bible tells us that in the end-times “there shall come scoffers, walking after their own lusts.” (2 Peter 3:3)  This passage goes on to declare that the people in denial of creation are “willingly ignorant” (2 Peter 3:5) which means dumb on purpose. We are not wanting to be offensive . . . but just look at the wonder and complexity of life!

The writer of Psalm 139 had it right when he declared — “I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well.” (Psalm 139:14)


Every person alive is a creative work of God . . . that is why human life is so valuable. We are actually created in GOD’S IMAGE — “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness . . . So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He Him, male and female created He them.” (Genesis 1:26-27)

Let’s honor human life . . . let’s do all we can to protect human life . . . and let’s give God all the glory!

Much of the material for this article was gleaned from a wonderful book entitled “Inspired Evidence” by Julie Von Velt and Bruce Malone.


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